Newsletter No.1 Easter Term 1996 - 4472 "Flying Scotsman"

This newsletter is being produced at the last minute because of the poor timing of the Engineering Tripos exams.

Meetings this term

We're in the same room again this term - St.Catharine's OCR. The first meeting of term is Mr. Stanley Hall, on "Safety: The Elusive Quest". As normal for this term, the last meeting of term will be:

Annual General Meeting and Auction

At the AGM, the alterations to the constitution, as distributed with last term's Eagle, will be proposed. If you have any further comments, please don't hesitate to pass them on to me, or any other member of the committee.
The current Journal Editor has also put forward the following motion:

That the post of Journal Editor shall be renamed "Publications Editor".

Don't forget to bring some money for the auction afterwards - Having "Trumpington" on your wall is a sure way of winning friends and influencing people! Alternatively, I'm told that a French shunting horn is today's ultimate fashion accessory...

Can all hire items, and any other items for the auction, please be returned to Graham James, at Woodlark 10, St. Catharines, by Tuesday 14th May - that's the Tuesday before the AGM.

The AGM is also the deadline for handing in your Eagle articles.


Later this term, we hope to resurrect the treasure hunt, visit 08 711, have a trip to Barrington, and find somewhere to Steam Drive. More details as we get them.

Last but not least

If you're worried about exams, come and relax at a CURC meeting!

Tim Wells.
K5a Great Court, Trinity College, Cambridge, CB2 1TQ. - last updated 11/5/96