Newsletter No.2 Michaelmas Term 1995 - Class Y7 No.131

Well, the end of another term draws nigh, and it's time for a few more announcements:

Photo Competition

Held on the Friday 23rd February, the Friday before the dinner. The judge for this year's competition has yet to be announced. However we are following up the suggestion made by Mr. Peter Kelly, editor of RAIL when he judged last year's competition, that RAIL might be able to supply some prizes to supplement our usual awards. Also, following much discussion, we are including a colour print category in this year's competition. The categories are:

The closing date for entries will be Wednesday 31st January 1996.

Annual Dinner

This year will be the 60th academic year since the first annual dinner, which was held in November 1935 after the refounding of the club. You should receive an invitation enclosed with this newsletter. Please note that the closing date will be Friday 2nd February. An announcement about the Life Members Visit on the day of the dinner should be made in the next newsletter.

Next Term's Meetings

Should be held in the Old Combination Room, St. Catharines (same venue as last meeting of this term). More details of meetings will be in the first newsletter of next term. However, apart from the Photo Competition, look out for the Presidential Address Distress and the Varsity Quiz!


A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all.

Tim Wells
K5a Great Court, Trinity College, Cambridge, CB2 1TQ. - last updated 11/5/96