Newsletter No.1 Lent Term 1996 - "Sweet Pea"

Unfortunately we have to kick off the new year with a few apologies:

Eagle No. 59

John Joyce has asked me to give you his most sincere apologies - suffering from a terrible bout of flu at the end of last term, he failed to realise that the Annual Dinner invite took the mailing into the next postage band. Should anyone have failed therefore to receive an Eagle and Annual Dinner invite, please let us know, and you will receive another copy with our apologies.

Also on the Eagle front, Brian Marsden wishes to apologise for the quality of the photographs and layout in the last issue of Eagle. His instructions for the 'New Look' Eagle did not reach the printers intact, resulting in a blank page appearing, and there being no shades of grey in the reproduction of the photographs. However these problems should be resolved by the next issue. Deadline for articles for the next issue will be the Annual Dinner. From literary masterpieces to a few thoughts, they'll all be welcomed by our Journal Editor.

Photo Competition

Held on the Friday 23rd February, the judge of this year's competition will be Mr. Nigel Harris, Managing Editor of RAIL magazine. A reminder that you may enter up to 5 photographs in each class, and, apart from entries from new members, all photographs must have been taken since 1st January 1995. The closing date for entries will be Wednesday 31st January 1996. The categories are:

There have been very few entries so far, so get them in the post to me, at the address below, this week.

Annual Dinner & Life Members' Visit

You should have received an Annual Dinner invitation with the last newsletter. There are still places available for the Dinner, but the closing date is Friday 2nd February. The Life Members' Visit will be to Peterborough Power Box. Details will be sent to those who indicated an interest on their Dinner returns, but anyone else who is interested should contact Jonathan McAllister at Sidney Sussex.

This Term's Meetings

The first meeting of term will be on Friday 26th January, and will be held in the Old Combination Room, St. Catharine's (same venue as last meeting of last term). A termcard is enclosed, but the first speaker will be one of our Vice Presidents, Mr. G. Skelsey. The Varsity Quiz has been provisionally arranged for the 2nd March, but the penultimate meeting of term will be:

Extraordinary General Meeting

Many of you will know that recruitment has been poor over the last few years, but we have now found ourselves in a situation where there may only be one junior member left to form the entire committee next academic year. Hence we are holding this meeting to discuss options for the future. There may be a need for constitutional change. I will send you more details nearer the time.


I look forward to seeing you all, either at meetings, or at the Dinner.

Tim Wells
K5a Great Court, Trinity College, Cambridge, CB2 1TQ. - last updated 21/1/96